Category: IBM Watson

  • Why Computers (and Doctors) Need Narratology

    Why Computers (and Doctors) Need Narratology

    The analysis by Peter Kramer @PeterDKramer in the New York Times story “Why Doctors Need Stories” points, in part, to the challenge faced by clinical decision support systems (CDSS) — and the use of artificial intelligence in health care more generally. While CDSS adoption lags far behind its apparent value, it is true that CDSS is weak…

  • Will $100M Trickle Watson Down to SMB Enterprises?

    Will $100M Trickle Watson Down to SMB Enterprises?

    Bloomberg News reported that IBM plans to invest an additional $100 million in its Watson technology. Earlier in 2011, Watson exceeded previously unmet expectations for artificial intelligence by easily overwhelming two Jeopardy!champions on national TV. While Watson-like technologies could be used in a variety of settings (e.g., network management or health care), the steep investments IBM has already made suggest…